Tuesday 15 February 2011

63 Sampler stitches (and another 100 or so)!

After seeing this book and reading the comments from a fellow crocheter on Crochet Partners I decided to buy the book for myself.
I got the book second hand in very good condition and reasonably priced.
The squares in the book are very pretty and some are very unusual. So I purchased some white aran wool and decided to make my very first sampler afghan. So far I have done 5 squares and they seem to be turning out better than I thought.
The only problem is I haven't got the foggiest when I will get if finished. I've done my usual "thing". It's where I plod along with wip's then along comes a new book or magazine and I end up starting numerous wip's knowing full well it's gonna take an eternity to finish!
I keep telling myself "one thing at a time" but alas it makes no difference!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Fresh Start!

Well it's been a very long time since I posted anything. So I have deceided to make a fresh start. So in preparation I have bought a new digital camera. The pictures I have posted before are all taken on my mobile and the quality isnt the best. I'm going to try and blog at least once a week.
I have decided to have a major destash and try and use a majority of the yarn on projects. I will post my efforts here!
The subject of my blogs will be mostly crochet and I'm going to try and add a bit of everything I come across in my everyday life!